Learn about The F* Word and what drives us to revolutionize the Digital Fashion industry. Our purpose, mission, story, founders and advisors.

Effortless creation of Digital Fashion powered by AI

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Speed up the 3D design process and turbo-charge your creativity with AI.

Creation flow - The F* Word

AI Fabric Generator

AI enabled pattern creation delivers 3D texture mapped files like magic. Pre-configured prompts allow you to get the best output.

AI Fashion Assistant

AI First design experience coming soon!

3D Fashion Templates

We’ve organized pre-populated templates that cover the most popular apparel types. Our community marketplace is a treasure trove of unique 3D dress templates.

Our magic works on all the popular browsers” with “AI First designer experience coming soon!

Build together

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Collaborate effortlessly and syncronously across the workflow as a team.

Collections and dresses

Organize your dresses in collections. Let the digital fashion fun begin!
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Teams for Collaborations

Create multiple dream teams and manage access to collections. Collaborate on the digital canvas and design as a team.

Add teams and members - The F* Word
Engagement with AR and AI - The F* Word

Build engagement with AR and AI

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AI enabled Photo Fitting

Your followers and customers take a selfie and get it fitted with your dress.

AR enabled Virtual Tryon (coming soon)

Your followers and customers can play dress up with your masterpieces in AR.

Unlock new business models

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Setting parameters - The F* Word

Mint and distribute

Configure your own price, number of NFT mints and activate royalties for that extra flair.

Custom revenue models

Sell, rent, go digital, or embrace phygital—all while sharing the joy of revenue with your squad. All done in a jiffy!

Easy publishing of creations

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Posting on Social media

Your social media magic button – one click, and your dazzling content is off to paint the town red across all your favorite channels.

List on NFT marketplaces

Listing your NFTs on OpenSea and others (coming soon) is easy – a few clicks, and your masterpieces are ready to dazzle.


Unified view for tracking engagement and monetization.

Share Interaction - The F* Word
Posting on Social Media - The F* Word