Green is the New Black: Consumer Attitudes on Sustainable Fashion

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How do people feel about sustainable fashion? Let’s explore these attitudes. 


Look in your closet; do you wear all those clothes? It’s never been easier to buy clothes, yet we often feel like we have nothing to wear. 

Ads, social media stores and influencers constantly persuade us to get the latest trends. This means the fashion industry speedily releases style after style, designed to be quickly discarded in favor of the following trend.  

As this relentless cycle has gravely impacted the environment, the fashion industry is shifting towards sustainability.  


The Conscious Consumer 

Shoppers aren’t just looking for stylish clothes, they want to know and reduce the impact their purchases have on the planet. 

For both physical and digital garments, consumers demand knowing how they were made, what materials/tools were used, how green the whole production process is, and if it followed fair labor laws. Moreover, people still need convincing about digital fashion being a more sustainable alternative to physical clothing. 


According to a study by the French Institute of Fashion, French, German and Italian consumers now feel sustainable garments are as fashionable and stylish as non-sustainable ones. 

Similarly, there’s a growing prioritization of material quality, aiming to buy less clothes that last longer. Also, shoppers relate sustainability with domestic production and the second-hand market is becoming a preferred way of sustainable consumption.  

In a worldwide survey, over one-quarter of consumers said they made a change towards buying more sustainable products, as per Statista. 

Americans believe the fashion industry needs to be more environmentally friendly and said quality, health benefits and supporting good causes are the main reasons to purchase eco-friendly fashion items, per Statista. 

Nevertheless, 56% of fashion consumers in the U.S. still believe sustainable fashion prices are too high, the main barrier to buying these products. 


The Power of the Digital 

Let’s break down why digital fashion is gaining traction with those who care about the planet: 

Low to Zero Waste: While physical fashion production inevitably generates waste, digital clothing offers beautiful garments without the need for a single thread. Even if 3D fashion models are manufactured, production on-demand significantly reduces waste from leftover fabric and unsold items.  

Experimentation: Digital fashion allows experimenting with bold, innovative looks without committing to specific types and amounts of fabric. You can explore countless styles without the environmental cost of buying and discarding materials. 

Self-Expression, Empowered: We are re-writing fashion rules in virtual realms. People use these spaces, like the Metaverse, to express themselves through digital fashion. Virtual clothing allows for boundless creativity and physics-defying textures. 


The challenge: Perception vs. Reality 

Here are the potential roadblocks for mass adoption of digital fashion: 

Its “Realness”: Consumers are divided on whether digital clothes hold the same appeal as physical ones. 

Accessibility: As digital fashion is in its early stages, some experiences and 3D fashion design software have a high-cost barrier to access.  


We must make digital fashion accessible for everyone, both in price and ease of use, to build a sustainable future for fashion.  


Is sustainability a priority when you buy fashion? Tell us in the comments! 

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